The code below seems to give a consistent result for all values of V except
the three integers -3, -2, and -1. Setting V to one of those values makes
the spline go nuts.
#declare V = -3;
camera {location 8*y look_at 0 translate <0,0,2>}
light_source {1000*y, color 1}
plane {y, 0 pigment {checker color rgb 1.0, color rgb 0.9}}
#declare Spline =
spline {
0+V, <-2,0,0>,
1+V, < 0,0,0>, // red
2+V, < 2,0,0>,
3+V, < 4,0,2>,
9+V, <-4,0,2>,
10+V, <-2,0,0>,
11+V, < 0,0,0>, // red
12+V, < 2,0,0>,
#declare C = 0+V;
#while (C<=12+V)
#declare Value = C;
#if (C>1+V&C<11+V) #declare Color = <0,0,1>; #end
#if (C<1+V|C>11+V) #declare Color = <0,1,0>; #end
#if (C=1+V|C=11+V) #declare Color = <1,0,0>; #end
sphere {Spline(Value), 0.2 pigment {color Color}}
#declare C = C+0.2;
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